Schedule Appointment

Scheduling Your Culinary Journey

a table with bowls of food and vegetablesa table with bowls of food and vegetables

Embarking on a transformative culinary experience with Estrela Faria is a seamless process. Whether you are seeking Personalized Chef Services or Specialized Child Nutrition Program, Estrela is here to guide you every step of the way.

Personal Chef Services

Our delicious meals are designed to cater to various needs, whether it's for everyday enjoyment, special events, or tailored to specific health conditions. Our offerings encompass three distinct types of services, each tailored to your unique culinary desires and needs.

- Hourly Rate: $35 per hour

- Full Day Rate: $280

- Optional Grocery Shopping Service: $40

Everyday Delights

Indulge in our extraordinary Personal Chef Services. In a single day, our dedicated personal chef can expertly craft dishes that will provide a week's worth of delightful meals.

Culinary Care for Special Health Needs

We are here to nourish and support your health journey. From tailored meals to specialized culinary care, our dishes promote healing and delight. Our holistic approach ensures each bite contributes to your health and happiness.

Enchanting Event Experiences

For those special moments that deserve an extraordinary touch, our event-focused service awaits. Together, we embark on a collaborative adventure to conceptualize a menu that mirrors your event's theme and your preferences. Estrela's culinary skills, combined with your insights, create an remarkable culinary journey that will amaze your guests and make your event unforgettable.

Event pricing is dynamic, influenced by the hours of preparation required, which depends on the guest count. Starting from $35 per hour, the hours necessary are determined by demand. We understand that each event requires a different time frame.

Specialized Child Nutrition Program

Nurturing your child's well-being and development is a priority for Estrela Faria. In our Child Nutrition Program, we delve into understanding your child's unique eating habits, preferences, and consumption patterns. The program allows for the gradual integration of healthier eating choices into their daily routine.

- Hourly Rate: $35 per hour

- Frequency: A minimum of two sessions per week

Our approach emphasizes introducing a wide variety of foods, taking into account seasonal availability and diverse cooking techniques. This encourages creativity in meal preparation and ensures a diverse range of flavors that captivate your child's taste buds while providing essential nutrients.

What Our Customers Say

"Estrela - you are an incredible chef! I can't believe how much you cooked in such a short time and how delicious it alllll was! We have been eating it for days and loving it every time. Thank you so much!"

- Daniela

“Estrela has truly been a game-changer in our lives. Her dedication to providing us with healthy, nutritious, and seasonally-tailored meals has been nothing short of exceptional. Each and every dish she prepares is a delightful culinary experience that leaves us eagerly anticipating our next meal. Estrela's attention to detail and consideration of our unique dietary needs have made a remarkable difference in our overall well-being. Her ability to create delicious and well-rounded meals that align with our specific requirements is truly commendable!”

- Sandy & Nathan Parrott

I felt fantastic on the bike today. I managed to keep up with the people ahead during the climb, which was quite a contrast from last week when I was struggling. Additionally, my sleep has improved significantly, and today's run felt faster and less exhausting compared to last week. I thought your cooking was very healthy and from the heart. I really enjoyed it.”

- Jeff



Estrela Faria

Believing that wellness encompasses more than just taste, Estrela embraces the holistic principles of Ayurveda. She goes beyond creating delicious flavors to ensure that the meals she prepares nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

With a passion for plant-based cuisine, your Brazilian Chef not only crafts mouthwatering dishes but also provides expert nutritional guidance to enhance your well-being.


Get in Touch

Creating a webpage for scheduling appointments with Estrela Faria is a great idea! Here's a comprehensive outline of the content you should include:

1. Introduction and Welcome Message:

- A warm welcome and a brief introduction to Estrela Faria.

- Highlight her expertise, passion, and dedication to Ayurvedic Nutrition.

2. Appointment Scheduling:

- A clear and prominent "Schedule Appointment" button or section.

- Instructions on how to book an appointment, including the steps to follow.

3. Services Offered:

- A detailed list of the services Estrela offers, such as personalized nutrition consultations, meal planning, Ayurvedic nutrition guidance, and more.

- Brief descriptions of each service to help visitors understand what's included.

4. About Estrela:

- A section providing a comprehensive overview of Estrela's background, experience, and qualifications.

- Highlight her educational achievements, specialization in Ayurvedic Nutrition, and any other relevant certifications.

5. Testimonials:

- Showcase feedback from previous clients who have benefited from Estrela's services.

- Real-life experiences can build trust and credibility among potential clients.

6. Booking Process:

- Explain the process of booking an appointment. Mention if it's online or via phone.

- Specify whether clients need to fill out any forms or provide information before the appointment.

7. Availability:

- A section indicating Estrela's availability for appointments.

- If she has specific hours or days for consultations, make sure to mention them.

8. Pricing:

- Provide an overview of pricing for different services.

- Mention any packages or discounts available.

9. Contact Information:

- A clear and visible section with Estrela's contact details, including phone number and email.

- Provide alternate methods of contact, like a contact form, if applicable.

10. FAQs:

- Anticipate common questions and provide answers in this section.

- Address queries about payment methods, cancellation policy, what to expect during a consultation, etc.

11. Blog or Resources:

- If Estrela has a blog or offers resources related to Ayurvedic nutrition, provide links to these materials.

12. Call to Action:

- Encourage visitors to take action, whether it's booking an appointment or getting in touch.

- Use persuasive language to motivate them to connect with Estrela.

13. Social Media Links:

- If Estrela is active on social media platforms, provide links to her profiles.

- This can help visitors stay connected and engaged.

14. Privacy Policy:

- Ensure you include a privacy policy section, explaining how client information is handled and protected.

15. Footer:

- A footer with basic navigation links, copyright information, and any necessary disclaimers.

Remember to keep the webpage clean, user-friendly, and visually appealing. Use high-quality images and a consistent color scheme that aligns with Estrela's branding. With this well-organized content, potential clients will have a clear understanding of Estrela's services and the process of scheduling appointments.